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Annual Picnic In The Park
Kruise For Kids
Other Car Shows, Cruises / Tours

Annual Club Show’n’Shine Picnic

Annual Picnic-in-the-Park each year, CFFCC holds its organized car show. Attendance averages over 200 specialty cars of all makes and hundreds of appreciative viewers. Entrants pay a nominal fee and are treated to door prizes, trophies, and lots of car talk. The event is held on the first Monday of September. Go to the Photo gallery for pictures from past years.

You are welcome to see us at our annual “Picnic in the Park” which will be held next on Monday (Labour Day) September 1, 2025 at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Langley Campus Lots L4 and L5 .

Our car shows are known for their friendly, non-competitive atmosphere and we welcome entrants and visitors of all types. The entrance fee is $20 per vehicle which includes a dash plaque for the first 300 vehicles.
Registration is between 9 AM and Noon.
We have a food concession on site as well as music.
Trophies are issued about 3 PM.
Fun all day.




Kruise For Kids

Join the Canadian Falcon Fairlane Comet Club and many other car clubs in supporting the annual Kruise for Kids Toy Run.  Held in late fall each year to help children at Christmas. Decorate your car, decorate yourself !! There will be T-shirts, dash plaques, K4K decals, door prizes !!Trophies for Best Decorated Vehicle, Best Dressed Driver and crew, Best Club Turnout, and Best Club Display!! ALL we ask of you… is to donate ONE brand new toy (unwrapped) per entrant and we encourage all Car Clubs and individuals to make cash donations !! All toys and donations go directly to The Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau for distribution to children in the Greater Vancouver-Fraser Valley area.  For more info go to www.kruiseforkids.com

Other Car Shows, Cruises / Tours

Full listing see www.autoeventlist.com

Christmas party In lieu of a meeting in December, a Christmas party for members, spouses, and family members is organized.

This may take the form of a pot-luck at a members house or other suitable location. Whatever form it takes, good fun is had by all.